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1 July 2021 fishing report & news


1 July 2021

*Good tailor at Tweed

*Squid and flathead at Gold Coast

*Lockdown and winter rain

Dad joke:

What do you call a line of men waiting to get haircuts?

A barberqueue.


G’day everyone obviously I have not been able to go on the water over the last few days, but we did have some good fishing earlier in the week before the lockdown. 

Tailor and plenty of them were once again attacking every lure we put in the water. These fish enter our rivers every winter but this year they are in plaque numbers which is fantastic. 

Big Morry with a nice flattie.

This is a direct result of the huge amount of rainfall we have had this season.  Speaking of rain I can here it hitting the roof now at the time of writing and going by the forecast it might stay with us for the next few days. 

Some nice quality flatties also committed to our lures earlier this week as did a heap of small bream. Well lets hope we can all get back on the water next week and enjoy the good tides coming up and finish the school holidays with some bends in the rods. 

To book a private charter with Brad call him on 0419 028 704 around 4-6pm daily


As Smithy mentioned, a week curtailed by a lockdown. Before that I had some good flathead and squid fishing earlier this week.

Good flathead fishing at Nerang river

I do hope we don’t get too much rain on the coast, the water is just getting to the ideal clarity in the river and broadwater. If it gets too dirty it’ll delay the good tailor and school mackerel fishing. Run out tides might need need flashy looking lures and squid jigs for the bites.

Yummy flathead
The boys from Melbourne did well on flathead with lures

A drop in temperature should stop the snot weed blooming though, which was starting to appear around crab island.

In any case I’ll be rearing to go early next chasing fun for my charter guests. New moon is Saturday week, so the lead up should be ideal for targeting big tiger and arrow squid, flathead, flounder, big bream, winter whiting, sand crabs, squire, mackerel and tailor.

Very tasty squid and crabs
Flathead love Hurricane Slam lures

To book a charter with Clint 

SMS 0432 990 302 anytime

Best fishing days this week according to the almanac:

Friday: 69

Saturday: 26

Sunday: 14????

Monday: 14????

Tuesday: 19

Wednesday: 50

Thursday: 76????

Friday: 91 ????

(search “fishing and hunting” on app stores to get the full app)

*This is just a prediction. There are many factors when it comes to fishing and fish are unpredictable at times, there are no exact guarantees. We include this just for fun and see how it plays out every week.

Charter options this coming week:

Tweed river:

Call Brad on 0419 028 704 between 4-6pm daily ????????

Gold Coast:

Sunday 11 July available, plus there could be other days change, due to interstate travel restrictions 

SMS Clint 0432 990 302 anytime,

Or book instantly here:

Keep an eye on our facebook page for any changes:

SMS 0432 990 302 to book your charter adventure!

Useful links:

This week’s special from our online store:

Free Egi peg squid jig cover/ carabiner with any purchase from this collection:

Online store:

Fishing tips and secrets books:

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Dad jokes:

Finally a huge shout out and thanks to our sponsors, preferred brands and suppliers:


Bush n’ beach magazine

Stones Corner Marine

Yamaha motor Australia

Sporty’s fishing


Spotters sunglasses


Searing Tackle

Pontoon 21


Pro Lure Australia

Frogleys Offshore




MMD Fishing

Sax scent


Step Outside with Paul Burt


Smithy & Clinto

SMS 0432 990 302 to book your charter adventure!

Or book instantly here for Clint’s boat:


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