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18 June 2021 fishing report & news


18 June 2021

*Tweed river fishing well for flathead and tailor

*Squid in good numbers at Gold Coast

*Tailor, big bream, and bait schools coming through everywhere

Dad joke:

My wife and kids are threatening to walk out of the house because of my addiction to horse racing.

And they’re off!


G’day everyone this was an interesting week on the water with some fluctuating weather and tidal movements around the new moon. 

With a bit of transition and a constant awareness we managed to find huge schools of great quality tailor. These fish are normally more reliable and easier to find in july but reports along the Nsw coastline is that they have been moving from south to north quicker this season. 

Portia with one of the many tailor she caught on the day with her hubby Thomas. Portia is due to have a baby so on behalf of Clint and myself all the very best when bubby arrives.
Vanessa and son Macca with a couple of tailor

This is due to the immense amount of rainfall we have had this year and most of the migrational and spawning habits of our fish species have occurred earlier than normal. The tailor have got favourite holding spots in the river every year and the tip to find them is to keep an eye out for where the birds are working which we call our eyes in the sky. 

Young Dillon with his first ever flattie

Apart from catching massive amounts of tailor in the last three days we caught some nice flatties and of course some bream that are consistent all through winter. 

To book a private charter with Brad call him on 0419 028 704 around 4-6pm daily


This week yet again the arrow squid were in good numbers. The fish were down in size but their activity and quality will spike in the lead up to full moon.

Lovely sunrise on the Gold Coast broadwater
The arrow squid are suckers for Ecogear squid jigs

Ecogear Dartmax 2.5 and 3.0 size squid jigs have been smashing the arrow squid. These lures have the ideal sink rate for the Gold Coast broadwater and catch more than anything else. When the squid are in a shy mood I’ll leave a rod in a holder with the jig just drifting along just above the sand, while I jig a zx40. This often stirs up the squid and they then grab the squid jig. 

Stunning weather and good fishing
A nice fresh dinner
The arrows are getting bigger

Even better, we catch plenty of squid and a big variety of fish on the zx’s themselves, all in the same areas.

Next Friday 25 June is full moon, and there are king tides at night. No doubt this week leading up to it the fish will feed hard before they spawn.

The only issue is how hard the wind blows, making it tricky to fish the broadwater. There is good cover in Westerly breezes and often early morning is calm this time of year. Otherwise flathead and big bream will be available in the river. Hotspots for big bream will be the seaway reef, the main channel markers around Southport, TSS reef, and the Benowa holes.

Live Yabbies will work amazing, as will whitebait, Ecogear ZX40 and 43’s, Samaki  70mm Vibelicious. If you want to try for good size Tailor troll some Slams in the seaway to South currigee area, particularly early morning and late afternoon.

To book a charter with Clint 

SMS 0432 990 302 anytime

Best fishing days this week according to the almanac:

Saturday: 40

Sunday: 14????

Monday: 25

Tuesday: 58

Wednesday: 81

Thursday: 93????

Friday: 95 ???? (full moon)

(search “fishing and hunting” on app stores to get the full app)

*This is just a prediction. There are many factors when it comes to fishing and fish are unpredictable at times, there are no exact guarantees. We include this just for fun and see how it plays out every week.

Charter options this coming week:

Tweed river:

Brad has the 23rd 25th and 27th June available this week for charters. Get in quick, the Tweed is producing some amazing fishing!

Call Brad on 0419 028 704 between 4-6pm daily ????????

Gold Coast: only Saturday 26 June is available this week

SMS Clint 0432 990 302 anytime,

Or book instantly here:

Keep an eye on our facebook page for any changes:

SMS 0432 990 302 to book your charter adventure!

Useful links:

This week’s special from our online store:

NEW PACKS! Bonus extras 😉

Brad’s favourite Tweed river lures:

Clint’s favourite Gold Coast estuary lures:

Lure clearance, be quick one only available:

Online store:

Fishing tips and secrets books:

Subscribe to our youtube channel:

Join our members club for free here for special offers and exclusive tips and news:

Dad jokes:

Finally a huge shout out and thanks to our sponsors, preferred brands and suppliers:


Bush n’ beach magazine

Stones Corner Marine

Yamaha motor Australia

Sporty’s fishing


Spotters sunglasses


Searing Tackle

Pontoon 21


Pro Lure Australia

Frogleys Offshore




MMD Fishing

Sax scent


Step Outside with Paul Burt


Smithy & Clinto

SMS 0432 990 302 to book your charter adventure!

Or book instantly here for Clint’s boat:


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