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30 April 2020 fishing report & news


30 April 2020

Dad joke:

My missus gets mad whenever I mess with her red wine.

So I added fruit and lemonade to it and now she sangria than ever!


Brad has been getting out when he can, the Tweed this time of year fishes well for flathead, and the whiting and bream are still active on surface lures.

Sunset after a perfect day on the Gold Coast broadwater

As the water cools more the bigger bream, mulloway, and flathead appear and are best targeted in deeper water with vibes and soft plastics.

The big tuskfish are slamming Ecogear ZX40 lures

Clint has been fishing the Gold Coast broadwater during the settled weather and neap tides. So many good eating fish around at the moment and the fishing was on fire this week. The best fishing coincided with the smallest tides of 0.5-1 metre range, allowing us to fish the open channels more, 6-8 metre depth has been best.

Jett caught a lovely big tuskie on yabby

We have been catching a lot of good size tuskfish. These fish are very feisty and hit our Ecogear ZX40 and Samaki Vibelicious 70 lures with venom then tear off on a screaming run, great fun on light tackle. Best ZX colours at the moment are 411, 414, 440, best Samaki soft vibe colours are ghost bait, pearl shrimp, and white bait. We are all sold out of Ecogear ZX40 at the moment as they are so popular, new stock will be here next week.

Ricky caught a beautiful jack on a ZX40

Flathead are increasing in number and size, as are flounder, squid, and winter whiting. The sand whiting are tapering off as they move up river for their winter migration.

We caught over 30 tuskfish this week

The cold change will bring on snapper, big bream, mulloway, flathead and squid. Heaps of great fishing to look forward to!

Full moon is next Thursday which means increased run up the rivers for sand whiting and flathead, while in the broadwater it will pay to fish deeper holes close to tide changes. Fishing near shorelines during tidal run will produce hood hauls too.

Fresh seafood basket of superb eating fish and squid
Bigger flounder are turning up

Take only what you need for a feed that day, release the rest 🙂

SMS 0432 990 302 to book your charter adventure!

We’re getting a lot of enquiries. Right now we can run charters for one person only at a time, following the usual precautions of 1.5m social distancing and sanitizing the boat and tackle between trips. 

Big news: Bush n Beach fishing magazine is now available free online for the next three months!

Read the May edition here where both Brad and Clint wrote articles:

Useful links:

This week’s special from our facebook store (CRAZY value- only 2 packs available)


Only 2 packs still available, very limited offer.

$140+ rrp worth of gear for just $79!!!

This amazing value pack includes:

A hard copy of Brad Smith’s River to Reef book, 

Plus a MMD splash prawn, the surface lure that everyones talking about!

Plus a Ecogear ZX40 vibe! A fish magnet

Plus a 30 ml jar of Sax scent goldprawn

Plus a mystery premium brand soft vibe

Plus a Smithys lil mate lure

Plus a Smithys Digga lure

Plus free express postage in Australia (enter code freeshipping at check out)

Plus copies of our fishing tips and secrets ebooks (Mangrove jack secrets and tips, the ultimate guide to estuary fishing, the ultimate guide to using Ecogear ZX40 lures, and full fishing tips, SMS 0432 990 302 after purchase to receive ebooks link)

River to Reef Gold Coast book:

The comprehensive guide to fishing and boating on the Gold Coast

This hardcopy book is packed full of fishing tips and info, and available exclusively here, available nowhere else.


220 offshore GPS marks

Complete boat ramp guide

30+ estuary and reef maps

Fishing with lures tips and techniques

Seaway secrets

Reef and pelagic fishing info

Freshwater dam fishing

Crabbing info

Seafood recipes


Local fishing and safety information

And more!

Buy here before they’re gone:

Browse our Facebook shop:

Subscribe to our youtube channel:

Join our members club for free here for special offers and exclusive tips and news:

Finally a huge shout out and thanks to our sponsors, preferred brands and suppliers:


Sporty’s fishing

Fisho Tackle


MMD splashprawns

Sax scent

Pontoon 21


Gillz Australia


Smithy & Clinto

SMS 0432 990 302 to book your charter adventure!


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#fishing #goldcoastrivercharters #goldcoastfishingcharters 


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