9 October 2020
*Surface fishing firing at Tweed river
*Samaki vibes catching a variety at Gold Coast
Dad joke:
To the pharmacist that sold me that fake batch of viagra:
No hard feelings
Hi everyone it has been a great week on the tweed as I have mentioned in recent reports that the surface fishing season would take off with the water warming up and yes it has.

Fishing with mmd splash prawns around the shallows in the lower reaches of the river has produced some great quality whiting and a few bream and the odd flattie. Double hook ups on surface has been common and to see and try this technique is fantastic and has both this old guide and my clients frothing.

I could not help but rip a lure out myself for one cast and banged a 41cm whiting yee ha. To mix it up we have done some drifts with with Ecogear zx 40s and Samaki soft vibes and have caught some bream, flatties, whiting and Gts. Lets hope next week is as much fun.

Other news: Jack lures and tips coming soon to our online store!
The snot weed returned after a day of Northerly wind, and is now starting to clear again. It’s a natural occurrence every year at this time and will be gone in the next few weeks.
It’s best to find areas clear of snot weed and we have been catching flounder, squid, tarwine, bream, flathead in recent days in the Gold Coast broadwater. There are flathead and trevally in Nerang river, as well as sand whiting at night at the council chambers.

This summer I will be spending time surface luring for whiting at the Gold Coast broadwater. It’s great fun to see them charging at the lure then hooking up. Week days and early mornings are the key to success here.
This weekend there will be some wind around especially on Saturday. Find sheltered banks to fish or in creeks and rivers.
This coming week we have some neap tides which make it easier to fish near the river mouths and main channels. The water is super clear on the run in tides until we get big rain. Look for any areas of slightly discoloured water to find the bait and fish.

If you are just getting into lure fishing or even need a nice rod & reel combo at a budget price, Sporty’s fishing at Bundall have in stock some Shimano Nexave combos which are not available at the big chain stores. Stock is limited at the moment so get in there as they’ll go quick.
For the price they are hard to beat on value, I have four of them myself for charters. The reels have very nice smooth drags, and the 2-4kg 7 foot rods are great for light tackle fishing and have good quality components. In short I highly recommend them! Go in and chat to Tony and the friendly crew for gear that suits your needs.
Best fishing days this week according to the almanac:
Friday: 37
Saturday: 71
Sunday: 34
Monday: 14????
Tuesday: 24
Wednesday: 57
Thursday: 81
Friday: 93 ????
*This is just a prediction. There are many factors when it comes to fishing and fish are unpredictable at times, there are no exact guarantees. We include this just for fun and see how it plays out every week.
Charter options this coming week:
Tweed river: booked
Gold Coast: only thursday still available
SMS 0432 990 302 to book your charter adventure!
Useful links:
This week’s special from our facebook store:
Surface lures! With tips
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This week’s tip:
MR9 no.15 Buffalo River
Finally a huge shout out and thanks to our sponsors, preferred brands and suppliers:
Stones Corner Marine
Silver Service marine
Sporty’s fishing
Searing Tackle
Pontoon 21
Pro Lure Australia
MMD splashprawns
Sax scent
Pontoon 21
Step Outside with Paul Burt
Smithy & Clinto
SMS 0432 990 302 to book your charter adventure!
Or book instantly here for Clint’s boat:
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