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12 March 2020


12 March 2020


Hi everyone, apart from the odd shower and a bit of wind over the last week the fishing has been absolutely fantastic!

The lower reaches of the Tweed is throwing big numbers of fish in all my favourite haunts with casting, trolling and surface lures all producing the goods. If you were a keen lure fishing bream angler you would be in your element as we have been catching over 30 fish a day and then moving around to different areas to target some flatties that are liking the slightly cooler water. 

There are some thumper whiting around that are crunching our lures if they are fast enough to beat the bream

There are also quite a few whiting around as well but the bream are that thick in numbers they are out competing them for the lures. We have also been working the areas where the birds are working and have been catching some small Gts and the odd good tea leaf trevally on surface lures. 

Mark with a Tea Leaf Trevally caught on an MMD Splash prawn

The mass amount of rain we had in february as we predicted is really laying the platform for some great fishing from now and through our oncoming winter season. 

Moon rise over Q1


For charter and shop enquiries 

SMS 0432 990 302

Another busy week for our charters, the great thing about running estuary charters around here is the availability of sheltered areas to fish comfortably and catch heaps, even in windy conditions.

The water has continued to clear nicely since the floods nearly four weeks ago. A few more showers will only help the good fishing continue. The wind direction makes for good fishing this coming week. If the wind is up early we’ll be further up the rivers where there is plenty of action to be enjoyed. 

Allan with an absolute thumper of an estuary cod measuring 80cm on the bragmat

Offshore fishing may be limited but we are still going out every day.

Tides are good for morning sessions upstream in the estuaries. Night tides are good for the mid to lower reaches where you can find current breaks and warmer water.

The jacks are still in the lower to mid reaches. We’ll target them at night the next few weeks around the current breaks in the lower river, then in the open river and bridges as the tides back off towards neaps at the end of the week.

The big flounder are feeding after the rain

The wind is up but we have plenty of sheltered areas in our rivers to fish and catch plenty.

Brad has been catching 60-80 bream some days on hard body and surface lures which is amazing fun! There is also flathead, trevally, and whiting on offer.

I have been catching good numbers of bream, winter whiting, sand whiting, grunter, trevally. Best areas have been Pelican beach, Bums bay, and Benowa.

Yabbies are working very well for me, as are Ecogear ZX40 in 440 and 447 colours, and Samaki Vibelicious soft vibes. I always smear a bit of Sax scent goldprawn on my lures for added natural effect.

We all know the world is going crazy at the moment, but there’s no better way to escape the toilet roll idiots than a day on the rivers and calm water fishing with light tackle and lures, or bait if you want. We run charters 7 days a week and can tailor a trip to your needs.

Sunset in Nerang river where we target mangrove jacks


Brad’s boat- fishes Tweed river or Gold Coast broadwater/ Nerang river with lures for a variety of species, takes two guests maximum on private charters. 

Dates available this week/ next week:

13th, 16th, 19th, 20th,

21st, 22nd March.

Clint’s boat- fishes Gold Coast broadwater/ Nerang river with lures and/or bait for a variety of species, takes four guests maximum on private charters.

Dates available this week/ next week:

18th, and 20th March.

Both boats have padded and comfortable seats, sunroof, cold esky to keep fish for dinner. We supply all tackle and lures.

Main fish targets at the moment:

Mangrove jack


Australian Bass

Dusky Flathead

Giant Trevally

Estuary Cod



Sand Whiting

Winter Whiting

Spotted Grunter

Lots of options and great fishing ahead, get in touch asap to book your charter!

SMS 0432 990 302 

Or tap here:

Our shop:

We have our favourite lures in stock, lures that perform well day in and day our on our charters.

The below pack includes the surface lures everyone is talking about, the phenomenal  MMD splashprawn, plus a Pontoon 21 crackjack 48 sp dr (our favourite lure ever), plus the amazing Ecogear ZX40 vibes, these things pretty much tempt everything that swims from whiting to mulloway! 

Plus a bunch of bonus surprises, amazing value, check it out here. Only four packs available, new stock just arrived:

Browse the rest of our shop, custom orders welcome:


Smithy & Clinto


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